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- #include "dialogs.h"
- #include "main.h"
- void PositionDialog(ResType theType, short theID)
- /* call this function BEFORE loading an alert or dialog box; this function will
- load the alert/dialog into memory and position it centered horizontally and
- positioned 1:3 vertically. Then, load the alert/dialog right after the call
- to PositionDialog, and the alert/dialog will be loaded from the copy in
- memory, which has already been positioned correctly. Cute, eh? See error.c
- for an example. */
- {
- Handle theTemplate; /* Handle to resource template */
- register Rect *theRect; /* Bounding box of dialog */
- register short left; /* Left side of centered rect */
- register short top; /* Top side of centered rect */
- /* The first field of the resource template for DLOG's and ALRT's */
- /* is its bounding box. Get a pointer to this rectangle. This */
- /* handle dereferencing is safe since the remaining statements in */
- /* this function do not move memory (assignment and simple math). */
- theTemplate = GetResource(theType, theID);
- if (theTemplate == 0)
- return;
- theRect=(Rect*)*theTemplate; /* bounding rectangle */
- left = (qd.screenBits.bounds.right - (theRect->right - theRect->left)) / 2;
- top = (qd.screenBits.bounds.bottom - (theRect->bottom - theRect->top)) / 3;
- if (top < (GetMBarHeight() + 1)) /* don't put it over menu bar */
- top = GetMBarHeight() + 1;
- theRect->right += left - theRect->left;
- theRect->left = left;
- theRect->bottom += top - theRect->top;
- theRect->top = top;
- }
- pascal void OutlineDefaultButton(DialogPtr myDlog, short itemNum)
- /* Use this as the useritem for a dialog which needs an outlined default button. */
- /* Make sure the default button is item 1 in the DITL. */
- {
- short itemType;
- Handle itemH;
- Rect box;
- GetDItem(myDlog, 1, &itemType, &itemH, &box);
- PenSize(3, 3);
- InsetRect(&box, -4, -4);
- FrameRoundRect(&box, 16, 16);
- PenNormal();
- }
- pascal Boolean OneButtonFilter(DialogPtr theDialog, EventRecord *theEvent, short *theItem)
- /* use this as the proc filter when calling ModalDialog -- it maps RETURN and
- ENTER to button 1. Of course, button 1 should be the OK button. */
- {
- unsigned char theChar;
- switch (theEvent->what) /* examine event record */
- {
- case keyDown: /* keypress */
- case autoKey:
- theChar=theEvent->message & charCodeMask; /* get ascii char value */
- if ((theChar==0x0d) || (theChar==0x03)) /* RETURN or ENTER */
- {
- *theItem=FakeSelect(theDialog, 1);
- return TRUE;
- }
- break;
- case updateEvt:
- if ((theEvent->message)!=(unsigned long)theDialog)
- DispatchEvents(*theEvent, FALSE);
- else
- OutlineDefaultButton(theDialog, 1);
- break;
- }
- return FALSE; /* no faking, proceed as planned */
- }
- pascal Boolean TwoButtonFilter(DialogPtr theDialog, EventRecord *theEvent, short *theItem)
- /* use this as the proc filter when calling ModalDialog -- it maps RETURN and
- ENTER to button 1, and ESCAPE and COMMAND-PERIOD to button 2. Of course,
- button 1 should be the OK button and button 2 should be the cancel button. */
- {
- unsigned char theChar;
- switch (theEvent->what) /* examine event record */
- {
- case keyDown: /* keypress */
- case autoKey:
- theChar=theEvent->message & charCodeMask; /* get ascii char value */
- if ((theChar==0x0d) || (theChar==0x03)) /* RETURN or ENTER */
- {
- *theItem=FakeSelect(theDialog, 1);
- return TRUE;
- }
- if ((theChar==0x1b) || (theChar=='`') || /* ESCAPE */
- ((theEvent->modifiers & cmdKey) && (theChar=='.'))) /* COMMAND-PERIOD */
- {
- *theItem=FakeSelect(theDialog, 2);
- return TRUE;
- }
- break;
- case updateEvt:
- if ((theEvent->message)!=(unsigned long)theDialog)
- DispatchEvents(*theEvent, FALSE);
- else
- OutlineDefaultButton(theDialog, 1);
- break;
- }
- return FALSE; /* no faking, proceed as planned */
- }
- pascal Boolean ThreeButtonFilter(DialogPtr theDialog, EventRecord *theEvent, short *theItem)
- /* use this as the proc filter when calling ModalDialog -- it maps RETURN and
- ENTER to button 1, and ESCAPE and COMMAND-PERIOD to button 2, and command-D to
- button 3. (This is good for the "save document?" alert. Of course,
- button 1 should be the OK button and button 2 should be the cancel button. */
- {
- unsigned char theChar;
- switch (theEvent->what) /* examine event record */
- {
- case keyDown: /* keypress */
- case autoKey:
- theChar=theEvent->message & charCodeMask; /* get ascii char value */
- if ((theChar==0x0d) || (theChar==0x03)) /* RETURN or ENTER */
- {
- *theItem=FakeSelect(theDialog, 1);
- return TRUE;
- }
- if ((theChar==0x1b) || (theChar=='`') || /* ESCAPE */
- ((theEvent->modifiers & cmdKey) && (theChar=='.'))) /* COMMAND-PERIOD */
- {
- *theItem=FakeSelect(theDialog, 2);
- return TRUE;
- }
- if ((theEvent->modifiers & cmdKey) && ((theChar|0x20)=='d'))
- {
- *theItem=FakeSelect(theDialog, 3);
- return TRUE;
- }
- break;
- case updateEvt:
- if ((theEvent->message)!=(unsigned long)theDialog)
- DispatchEvents(*theEvent, FALSE);
- else
- OutlineDefaultButton(theDialog, 1);
- break;
- }
- return FALSE; /* no faking, proceed as planned */
- }
- short FakeSelect(DialogPtr theDialog, short itemNum)
- {
- short itemType;
- Handle itemH;
- Rect box;
- long dummy;
- GetDItem(theDialog, itemNum, &itemType, &itemH, &box);
- HiliteControl((ControlHandle)itemH, 1);
- Delay(8, &dummy);
- HiliteControl((ControlHandle)itemH, 0);
- return itemNum;
- }
- void SetButtonHighlight(DialogPtr theDialog, short itemNum, Boolean isOn)
- {
- Rect box;
- short itemType;
- Handle itemH;
- GetDItem(theDialog, itemNum, &itemType, &itemH, &box);
- HiliteControl((ControlHandle)itemH, isOn ? 0 : 255);
- }
- void SetButtonTitle(DialogPtr theDialog, short itemNum, Str255 theStr)
- {
- Rect box;
- short itemType;
- Handle itemH;
- GetDItem(theDialog, itemNum, &itemType, &itemH, &box);
- SetCTitle((ControlHandle)itemH, theStr);
- }